Wednesday, June 02, 2004

after awhile

Hey- so my consistency in questionable in this new endeavor, but these have been crazy times. Let me do the past few weeks in fast forward:
1. Bart: new relationship, new feelings, new experiences, packed him to move, met each others' families, he graduated, packed him to travel, last minute details, sweetest of sweet goodbyes, he leaves the country
2. school: less luck here because of decisions made during the year, finals were not fun, missed one because very ill, blah
3. work: here's a fun one- somehow lost my summer job to earn money before Oxford, boss on campus kind enough to help out, avoiding spending money like the plague
4. prep for Oxford: 4 books and a course packet to read, papers to write, travel books to review, plans to make, arrangements, errands, MONEY?, so much
5. moving home: readjusting to some old rules and the fact that people care now if I stay out all night, in the middle of nowhere, quiet and a little lonely
6. sister graduates: party, dinners, family in town, graduation, "I do what I want, when I want" -Moo
7. SO MUCH MORE...(inculding a freak hail storm- sorry about your car, Moo)

So, excuses aside, things have calmed down and I'm getting back on track. I need to work the kinks out of this baby before leaving the country. (Countdown: 37 days, depart July 9th) I'm working on campus- I love UT! I miss it when I'm not there. I'm seeing so many friends- a special shout out to Chris~ welcome back to Texas! I miss Bart, but I'm so excited for him and what he is doing. Join me in praying for him and for his team, please. I'm going to see if I can get some more pictures up here now... I love you all, and Bart- be safe.


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