Tuesday, September 28, 2004

looking glass


She stares out the window and wonders whether it was meant to look through or break through. When one door closes, a window opens- but is that so you can see what you missed or so you can jump out of it? She opts for breaking through and jumping out, spreads her wings, and takes flight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for her!!! Soar like an eagle. It's a wonderful life.


2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see your updating your blog again. Looks like you are getting pretty good with that camera! I like the shutter effect! Hope all is going good in Austin! And in response to "Looking Glass" ... "Live life as if you were to die tommorow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

Hope to see ya soon,

9:33 PM  

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