Thursday, August 19, 2004

last day in jolly ole england

It's about 3pm here in Oxford, my last day here in Paradise... I've been enjoying the gorgeous day God blessed us with, taking pictures and doing some last minute shopping with the little money I have left. I promised you all pictures and stories of Barcelona- and I promise to get them up tonight. I don't know if I will sleep at all tonight because we leave at 7am and have about 20 hours of travel time before reaching Austin, which in Lindsey-terms means about 15 hours of free sleeping time tomorrow. Yay!

I wish I had something more poignant to say, but exhaustion took over and confusion set in. Not wanting to leave, but still wanting to be home is a strange feeling- one I don't have the vocabulary or will to do justice at this point in time. Everyone is wandering around Oxford, knowing not what to do. We want to cherish the last day, cherish each other, but at the same time we are ready to go, ready to dive into the messes we left at home (and my mother will vouch that I truly left a mess...sorry). It is "surreal, but nice." (The first person to comment and name that movie will be my favorite! Hint: I have been there on my English journeys...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Your Favorite,

10:50 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Nope! Sorry Julz- wrong movie...but right actor...

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notting Hill. Where's my prize???


1:24 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Mom wins!!! I'm so proud! Your prize is me- I'll be home tomorrow! I love you!!!

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't accept the outcome of this poll - I'm calling for a recount!


2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey,

I was impressed by the title of your blog - search for unseen glories. It's so different from others. And you have introduced yourself nicely too.

I'm a foreign student studying in London. I also write blog but it is not about my daily but about my business life, which has not officially begun yet. Visit my blog - if you wish to.

Wish you sweet girl best of luck in everything you do,


2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can "not accept" all you want, Julz. You still lose, sucker!!! (I know you miss me- I can hear it in your disdain.)

8:36 PM  

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