Thursday, August 12, 2004

has to be said

Okay- so! (Only Kristen will laugh at that...)
The banquet tonight was wonderful, and I have pictures, but the camera is recharging- so they will come in the morning. What must be said before I retreat to bed is that tonight I received an award. Professors Barchas and Heinzelman put together some rather humorous awards to present at dinner. I was a tad embarrassed about the one I received, but couldn't stop laughing.

Drumroll please......

I was presented with the "I came to Oxford University and brought it to its knees award" along with a medal of honor and a bucket of 'bugs.' Hey- like I said before, my momma always taught me that if you're gunna do somethin,' do it right. So I did. The story of the computer virus and the IT guy has spread throughout my American friends to the point where I am sure that it will follow me throughout this upcoming semester.


But the award was funny- and I will never be forgotten, especially by the IT guy who will surely hate all Texans forever now... his loss.


Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

Allright, first of all, Kristen is not the only one who will laugh at the "Okay-so!". "End of the World" if I am not mistaken... If I am, then I guess it is just Kristen that will get it.
Congrats on the award! You have earned it. ;). My final is day after tomorrow so I am going to go study, "but I am le tired"...

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Samuel .. I'm glad other people know about the End of the World thingy ... "WTF Mate?" ... anywhat, I am "le tired" .. just wanted you to know Linz that I miss your guts!!! :) Love, Moo

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love a little more than 15 minutes of fame. What'd I tell you ... the Summer of '04 will live on for a very long time. You will leave Oxford with your head held high, and your mother's pride securely intact. Bears repeating -- YOU GO, GIRL!!!


6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Nikki, Kristen Jo's friend and I just wanted to tell her Howdy and I love her!

8:57 PM  

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