Thursday, August 12, 2004

rain and truth

I took a stroll last night, just about midnight. Intentions were to find tea or coffee, but what I found was truth. It had been raining for quite some time, and paused to drizzle only long enough for my stroll. The stroll was meant to be.

Hands in jacket pockets and collar up to shield the wind, I walked through the quad towards the entrance to the college. Stopping in my tracks, I was dumbfounded by the grass in the quad. The brilliance of the green, the luster it had, was like nothing I had ever soon. True, this land is much greener than my home, but this was unbelievable.

My eyes immediately went to the sky, as if to seek out a reason for this strange phenomenon, though they found that the green of the grass was nothing compared to the blue of the sky. The clouds had moved to the side to reveal the most incredible blue that has ever before been seen. I was convinced that the sky had never once been this blue before. Dumbfounded by what I had just seen, I continued my walk, eyes darting to every object they could touch.

It was as if the rain had come down, washed the earth clean, and revealed them for what they truly are. No illusions here. These plants, this sky, even the cobblestone path- this was its truest state. With this whirling around in my head, I continued my walk.

I thought of rain, and then I thought of him. I recalled laughter in the car as I drove, windshield wipers squeaking across the glass, his laugh- it warmed my heart. That rain revealed our truest form too- jocund happiness when together. Then I remembered that night when we went dancing. The day before had revealed my friends to be far more petty than I had ever realized, as we had been uninvited from a get-together. I felt awful, he felt responsible. It got to where I almost didn't go. But go I did and dance as well. We danced round and round, spinning and dipping, smiling and laughing. We stared into each others' eyes in such a way that we alone danced on that old wooden floor.

As we left the dancehall, the skies broke open and we began to run. Realizing the futility of this endeavor, we slowed to a brisk walk before arriving at the car. We stopped, he looked at me, and a smile like none I had seen before spread across his face. Mind and heart in sync, we moved towards each, and we danced. And as the rain poured down, we swayed from side to side.

That night the rain revealed us for what we truly are: unconventional to some, crazy to others, but to us- we're just dancing in the rain. The rain will fall, but we will dance. (And by the way, kisses in the rain are much truer too.)

Tea in hand, these thoughts flooded my mind. And with this newfound knowledge, the cobblestones which normally cause one to slip and fall, shimmered like quartz crystals in their rainy night state. Obstacles that appear to be difficult to handle, revealed to be beautiful treasures. This is the truth. And when God reigns, we washes us clean to reveal the truth. As He rains on my head today, let Him reign in your heart forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for you to be home! Although I am incredibly jealous of the great time you've been having, I am grateful that you have had this opportunity. I think I am SO not going to get your long letter in the mail in time (it's not yet written, surprise!), so perhaps I'll write it and save it as a welcome home treat. :) I recall the pre-dance day pettiness and it brings sad thoughts to mind (about stupid blind gender loyalty), but I am happy to read the dancing adventure obviously turned out well since I never got the update. I miss you, but have so enjoyed at least reading the joy of your spirit while you've been gone. Have a safe and jolly time your last week without school. Love you! ticer

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Ticer. Thank you. Lindsey, I love you.


9:09 AM  

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