Monday, August 09, 2004

eiffel tower picnic- day two

For dinner Saturday night we headed to the lawn in front of the Eiffel Tower for a picnic. We wanted an authentic French picnic- so we made one up. Our meal consisted of fancy cheeses, crackers, grapes, a Toblerone (a random addition), and was complimented by a bottle of both red and white wine. It was a romantic idea, but because none of us are drinkers, no one knew how to pick out a bottle of wine, and no one could understand French in order to ask. Well, the story goes like this: major dehydration, a very long day, not much to eat, and really BAD wine. (This explains the picture below where we just sprawled out on the grass for half an hour.) But we had to drink the wine- not only had be bought it... we were in Paris! Well, Joanna and Jen gagged on the red, so they got me and Kristen to drink it down really fast so we wouldn't have to taste it. (Not our best idea...) This is the sequence of follow along...

the picnicthe picnicthe picnicthe picnicthe picnic

We had SO much fun that night! We had strange, random people approach us, adventures to the bathrooms you have to pay for, our friend Martin lost his wallet (low point), the police chased illegal wine sellers across the lawn, tons of pictures, spilling of life stories, incessant giggling, and (my favorite...) ice cream! Completely enchanted, we watched the Tower sparkle, glitter, and gleam. What a wonderful night! I love these girls!

the picnicthe picnicthe picnicthe picnicthe picnic


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you too Linds!
-Jo and Kris

3:32 PM  

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