Sunday, August 08, 2004

je suis dans l'amour avec paris!

Paris was incredible! I have to go write a paper and read for class tomorrow (bummer), but I have so much to tell all of you when I get done! I will probably stay up all night posting pictures and writing- including an interesting story about the effect of red wine on non-drinking girls after a day of dehydration and before dinner in front of the Eiffel Tower....

Mom- I am safe and made it back in one piece. It went off without a single hitch- you would be so proud of your daughter! And hey- the girls started calling me "Mapquest"- Dad will get a kick out of that one! :) I love you all and look forward to bragging to all of you soon...

Jusque-là... au revoir!


Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

I think the "frencher" way to say that would be "j'ai tombe amoreux de Paris", but I don't think any one is going to care. Good luck with the paper and if you decide once you get back that you are going to flaunt your journeys and try and make us all jealous, I might just have to hire a hit man.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just knew Mr. Gunter couldn't let that French pass without comment....otherwise I was going to. ;) Glad you had a good time - looking forward to the photos.

1:11 PM  

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