Tuesday, August 03, 2004

been missing you

Due the fact that this blog has been all about the fun I am having half a world away, it has been called to my attention that it doesn't seem as though I miss home at all. I DO!!! I think about home and the people that make it such all the time. I promise. Here are some of the people I've been missing the most lately (and if your picture is not on here, it doesn't mean that I don't miss you... because I do!).

two of the PPP sistasmy moodaddylittle brothermy granbartbethiechrissamuelsheila and ashcrack upjulzkatyladykris and jenticer

I'll narrate these for those of you who don't know me so well...
The big one is Mommy and Moo (Moo is Mallory's nickname). You may not realize this at first glance, but you are looking at the greatest mother and sister on the planet! Then there is one of me and Moo. She sent me this picture today in a really cute card (I feel so loved!). Then you see Daddy, and then my little brother Daniel. (Also- The greatest dad and brother on the planet! Daniel's birthday is coming up on the 9th, so he gets a really cool birthday present...no Daniel, I didn't forget!) Then there is my Gran. I don't know anyone else who is best friends with their grandmother, but I love it that way!

So if you are reading my blog and you don't know who this hot guy is, you must have hit your head. This is my Bart who is sailing the South Pacific- I miss him dearly. Next you see Bethie, then Chris with the fro (and yes- that is real), and then Samuel. MOM- THIS IS SAMUEL! (Sorry Samuel, my mom wanted to know who you were...) Samuel sends the funniest emails, and if you are an avid reader of my blog- you have witnessed his witty comments. Next you see Sheila and Ashley (too cute), followed by my Bart cracking up. We were hanging out with Bethie (seen above) and you can't help but laugh when she's around! And then Julie who is studying in Edinburgh right now, next to Katy who is with her there. And last but certainly not least, Ryan and Ticer. Ticer, thank you for the sweet card- it meant the world to me! And Ryan- be on the lookout for a postcard! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you, Lindsey.


P.S. Still waiting on a lunch RSVP from Samuel!!! Samuel?

12:04 PM  
Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

Ah yes there I am in all of my glory trying desperately to pass as some sort of musical type person and failing miserably. We all try though so I think I should at least get some points for effort.
As for the request concerning the RSVP, I'll have my people get in touch with your people and we'll do lunch sometime. If only I had a company credit card...

1:18 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Okay- so I know it is really dorky to comment on my OWN blog- but I feel SO left out! Mom and Samuel having lunch?! Grrr!!! Fine then- Samuel, you have to go for bubble tea with me when I get back, and Mom- I NEEEEED TexMex like ON the way home from the airport! No, scratch that, bring Taco Cabana TO the airport. And Samuel, I couldn't do Greece because of the Olympics and everything is booked, but plans are in the works for Barcelona...I'll keep you updated... Keep reading the blog and leaving fabulous comments! I love you!
luv linz

3:15 PM  

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