Thursday, July 22, 2004

what's with today, today?

I went to London today with Jennifer (from the sorority), and Kristen. We had a blast! We went to the Tate Britain and saw two special exhibits that we had to pay to get into. The first one was Art in the Garden, which fits with my class perfectly. It was amazing. I absolutely loved it and was awe-inspired, even by some of the more modern art (which I typically do not enjoy). There was a ton of photography, and a special black and white exhibit that Bart would have loved! The second exhibit was Art in the 60's, which was less art and more junk, but that may just be me. I did enjoy reading the descriptions and newspaper articles and history. I also loved the pin-ups of 60's British starts and such. Sometimes I would just look at a "piece of art" and wonder if I could have done it when I was five. I just don't get some of it. But I do love to look at it and at least laugh in my head at the international tourists pondering at a canvas painted two colors. Whatever.

We then went shopping at some adorable boutiques and were such girls! These shoppes are so wonderful- designer names and things you only see in magazines...with the price tags to prove it! I bought a few things, but didn't go overboard. We ate at this quaint pizza parlor and giggled incessantly. I love these girls. I love this time that we share.

I saw the craziest bar scene ever tonight at the pub in my college. It was great! The pub had quit serving an hour before, but the crazy drunk people, many of my friends included, sang and danced to 80's songs like there was no tomorrow. I haven't laughed that hard in quite some time. :)

Oh dang- I have to wake up in a few hours and go to Bath. I better get a little bit of sleep. I haven't gotten much in quite some time. I hope to see the Roman baths and the Jane Austen Centre. It should be a great day. I think we're going to another garden, too. I promise to write about those pictures that I posted and add some more tomorrow night. Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole says: "ENGLAND IS STUPID" aka "I am really jealous, why don't you send me an email?"

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole says: "ENGLAND IS STUPID" aka "I am really jealous, why don't you send me an email?"

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jungle Girl!! Hope I can get this written before my computer shuts me down. We all were going crazy when we didn't get a report for several days but it sounds like you are on the go all the time. I am so glad you are doing everything available. I was wondering if you have been to Starbucks since you have been there. Just don't want you to go thru withdrawls.
We miss you sssoooo much. I just about have everything you have written memorized.
Miss you and love you bunches. Gran and Poppy

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey,
I am Joanna's mama. Tell her to behave.
I love seeing all the pictures of you girls together.
You look like you are having a blast. I am so glad Joanna has you there. It sounds like she has never laughed so hard.
Be Safe.
Jolie Jennings

7:55 PM  

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