Tuesday, July 13, 2004

send me stuff

A couple of you have asked about my address here at Oxford. Yes, I can receive mail and such, but try not to send anything past August 18th, because I don't know if it will get here in time. It takes about a week to get here from the US, and you have to have it metered or at least weighed at the post office. I normal letter costs about 80 cents. Here's my address...

Lindsey Carter
c/o Texas Summer Program
Brasenose College
Radcliffe Square
Oxford OX1 4AJ

Things are still great. We went to Rousham Garden today, designed by William Kent. I found myself in a literal dreamworld: in a meadow, surrounded by daisies, creek at my feet, English countryside before me...Heaven! I have begun to sketch with charcoal pencils, something I am very much enjoying. My new friends are impressed, but I think they must be easily amused. :)

In my class, we are studying gardens and landscapes, and right now we are focusing on the moral aspects of gardens, as we peruse Genesis, Songs of Solomon, and Paradise Lost. Many of these gardens are laid out with a picture of Eden in mind- it's just really cool to see the biblical aspect of it in these different forms.

I am finally able to find my way around Oxford relatively easily- and I find myself directing my friends now and again. We wanted to go to Paris this weekend, but plans fell through. We are pushing it to a future weekend when we have more time. However, tomorrow we are going to London (YIPPEE!!!) to the Globe Theatre to see Romeo and Juliet. I am so excited!!!

It's almost 1am and I have to get up for class in a few hours- yes I do have to work on this trip! :) I love you all and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you so much for the fun comments some of you have been leaving- they really make my day. Cheers!

PS- It was actually Bart who took those Pensacola pictures, for those of you who were wondering. he is pretty amazing. I got an email from him Sunday before he set sail- no more contact for six weeks. It's tough, but he is so worth it. :) He also took the pictures under the June Archives called "Proof of the Madness," which are also very good. (I have to brag on him- he's so wonderful!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great newsy update. Thank you. Thinking of you constantly, and so glad it's everything you dreamed of. Talk to you soon. Loving you from afar, Mom and Dad.

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Mom passed on this info. Thank you for the way you share. It helps me better imagine the experience you are having. I love the pictures! Keep on having a great time and store up those memories. Say hi to your cousin for me. Love, Nora

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy from Texas,

Your site is awesome Lindsey, we are enjoying it.

Obviously, England is all you dreamed it would be and more. I am so excited for both you and Matt, and pretty proud too.

Could you possibly pass on a message to my "silent" son. Tell him I am considering holding his money hostage until he communicates with us (kidding of course). It is getting close to a week since we've heard from him. We miss him and have a few important things happening here to visit with him about.

Thanks Lindsey......sending all our love and blessings, John(ny)

6:12 AM  

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