Saturday, July 10, 2004

looks like i made it

I am officially in Oxford, England- and loving every minute of it. I have to go- sight seeing calls, but I promise to create a proper update as soon as time allows. The important thing is- I am here and it is great! More than great- this place is amazing!!! The strangest part is, I don't even feel so much like a foreigner at all. Not even so much like a visitor either. Honestly, I feel like a freshman again, just trying to find my way around. I'm off to my first pub dinner- I'll let you all know how it goes. Feel free to email me at while I'm gone. I love you all and promise to write more soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear of your safe arrival and enthusiasm. As the quest for unseen continues don't hold back on posting any of the sights available for your bloody revolutionists to view. Oh, and don't eat anything served on a newspaper.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gran can't get on her computer, and sends her love. Can't wait to hear more. Thanks for the update. We love you very very much. Mom, Dad, Mallory, and Daniel.

10:22 AM  

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