Saturday, June 12, 2004

a memo from management

Today I challenge each of you visiting my blog who feels so inclined to leave a comment. Comments can be left at the end of each post, usually corresponding to the post above it. Please comment accordingly.
I ask this only because it saddens me each day to check my blog and have not a single post from anyone. *tear* So please (*sob, sob*) comment today on anything that strikes your fancy. And please remember- my family reads this blog (so don't be crude).
Witty, comical, insightful, and/or kind comments are eagerly accepted. Rude, crude, and/or socially unacceptable commentors will the spade and/or neutered (depending on my mood). Thank you for considering this option to comment and have a blessed day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write beautifully. I truly enjoy reading about your search. Thanks for always having a smile!

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey,

I am beginning to figure out a "Blog". I will check daily, and leave comments. I loved the picture of the close up of the Daisy.

I also loved your posting on May 19th, "In the Beginning". It was really beautiful.

God Bless,
Eph 3:14-19

10:54 AM  

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