Wednesday, July 14, 2004

shakespeare's globe

Today was out first excursion in London- another incredible place that I never want to leave! (Though if I had to chose a place of residence in this country so far, it would be in the meadows we view in transit between Oxford and London, where I would have access to both.) We saw Romeo and Juliet at the Globe Theatre, a recreation of Shakespeare's original theatre, reconstructed on the foundation of the original building. It was, of course, amazing. The way the theatre is set up provides much contact with the audience, and the open ceiling adds to the ambience. We had a great time, and began to pick out places of interest for this weekend- which we are planning to spend primarily in London. Paris plans fell through, sadly, but with plans to venture to France when we would have a little more time. Here are some pictures of The Globe...

outsidestageside viewcurtain callgirls


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Dripping Springs to this??!!! Now, I'm beginning to feel a few jealous pangs. What a fabulous journey. Enjoyed the chat this morning. Wake up calls from you are always welcome. God Bless, Mom.

6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey, Glad to see you are having a good time! Your pictures are awesome but im sure they don't compare to actually living the journey. Hope this finds you well and say hi to Matt for me...Your Favorite Cousin, Rod :-) he he

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey, reading you posts everyday... (makes me feel closer to matt 'cause he hasn't written much on his site) :) your pictures are great! you have quite an eye with the camera. glad to hear you are having a great time. how is your class? hard? easy? just entirely enjoyable because you are in England???
tell matt i love love love him.
love, Brianna (

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for including Kristen & Joanna in your pics! You all look like you are having the time of your life. Best wishes and safe travel to you all, Karen Chapman

3:24 PM  

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