Wednesday, July 21, 2004

me thinks she doth protest too much...

All I have time for is pictures, but I promise to tell you what they are later!  I love you!!!

(Much Much Later...)
These are pictures from Tuesday's trek to Stratford-upon-Avon. We toured several Shakespeare sights, and then saw 'Hamlet' at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. I absolutely love Hamlet, and it was a great performance! Toby Stephens played Hamlet, who you may remember as the villain in 'Die Another Day,' and though he did not play a very sympathetic Hamlet, he sure did play a fantastic mad-man! Three cheers for Toby!

But before Hamlet, we toured the town, which seems to make most of its profits off of Shakespeare fans- but you do what you gotta do! The town was beautiful and the tour was pretty neat. We saw his wife's cottage, his birthplace, his daughter's house, and his grave. Shakespeare is buried in a cathedral up near the alter, which seemed rather odd to me, but what do I know? The cathedral was brilliant! The stained glass was incredible and EVERYWHERE! It was a great day, and yes, another long one. That is starting to be the theme here- but it's totally worth it! :)

Pictures: me in a tree, Shakespeare's grave, his resting place- the cathedral, his wife's cottage, my buds: Joanna, Jen, and Kristen, and then me and Daniel (Daniel is the son of Dr. Cullingford, who teaches the Shakespeare class, and Dr. Friedman, the director of the program)

Jungle WomanShakespeare's gravechurch where Shakespeare is buriedcottage where Shakespeare's wife livedgirlsDaniel


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahem. Hear ye this. I "doth" protest now. Like dangling a cookie in front of a child, promises of more later??? Sorry, a little eager here. How much longer? How many more minutes? Are you there yet? Details when you can, please. Hope being so busy means you're having a great time!!! Can't wait to see and hear more. XXXOOO, Mom.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first two pictures seem a bit antithetical in relation to one another. Picture one... we have a bright picture of a stunningly beautiful girl radiating with life against a backdrop of nature. Picture two... Shakespeare's grave. I'm all about Shakespeare, but quite a study in opposites don't you think? I'm not being critical, just making an observation.

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sexy lady, you sure are a pretty blonde. I enjoyed your dancing last night at Bridge. Those girls you were with were pretty hot too. Not just hot, but hott.

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey! I heart your blog, and your wonderful pictures. You will have a blast today in London but remember to take many pictures. Also, bring those FINE girls with you whereever you go and next time you go to the Bridge, bust a move for me!

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What right-on-the-money comments about those girls you were with! I happen to know them and they are the nicest girls you would ever want to know! Hook 'em!

6:41 PM  

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