Friday, July 16, 2004

week in review

So- officially in Oxford a week now.  This morning I woke Mom and Dad up with a 5am wake up call.  It was fun.  :)  We ran around Oxford like usual.  Kristen and I decided to go to Evensong, not knowing that today was the Sung Eucharist.  She being Catholic originally, and me being so very Protestant, I successfully screwed up in my foreign Lord's Supper experience.  At home, we pass some trays around and have our own servings- so I was a little thrown off.  It isn't entirely Catholic here, obviously being a bit Anglican, but it was Catholic enough to throw me off a bit.  I almost turned over the alter thing in front of us getting up from kneeling several times, and I didn't know how to receive the body and blood correctly, and I stepped forward at the wrong time and some dude in a white robe had to chase me down and pull me back.  (Sorry, Dad.)   But the service was certainly beautiful, especially the prayers.  The thing is, I just get the feeling in that place that everyone is going through the motions- there is little feeling or passion- it is too much of a routine.  My God is constant, but our relationship is ever-changing, growing and evolving.  I enjoy worshipping in a new way, but this congregation saddens me.
Tonight we went to a club that where one of fthe guys who works at the university would be playing.  This club was crazy.  The band was sort of techno-hip hop-jazz, with decent saxophone players, and a very Dido-sounding lead vocalist.  The club was actually an old sanctuary, and I found myself on a pew feeling somewhat sacrilegious.  I had to get up and go sit at a table.  It was a good move because I had a better view of the dancing, which was quite unlike what I am used to at home.  It was a pretty cool night, and now it is 2am and I have a field trip first thing in the morning.  Goodnight all.   


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey, Don't feel bad about the club..."Music is well said to be the speech of angels." -Thomas Carlyle
Love ya, Rod

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! Very profound of Rod, don't you think?? Daniel comes home today. Very excited about that. Not wanting to rush you home, but counting the days til we greet you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. We will be in Dallas this weekend celebrating Gran's birthday. Talk to you soon. Hugs and love, Mom.

6:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey, I am like your MOM. I am impressed with our ROD. I can just see you taking the LORD'S supper and doing it our way. What an experience!!! I think about you so much and enjoy sharing in all your experiences. Take care. Have a great weekend. We will, with the family being here. We will miss you. Love you bunches!
Gran and Poppy

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lindsey,

Cool website and great pics of your adventure in England. There are some familiar faces from the Davidson reunion too. I'm sure I know some of those nice looking folks! I'll pass this site on to Sherryl. Have fun. Love you, Justin and family.

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just got home from camp and I decided to check out your website. It sounds like you're having lots of fun. Camp was fun, I got into skeet and recived the John Wayne skeet shooting award. Dad said you ran into someone from Buckner and that she had a brother at Buckner so maybe if you give me his name I'll know him. Can't wait to see you.

P.S. Remember you're missing my birthday so I better be getting something good.

P.P.S. Dad says feel free to give them wake up calls anytime (seriously... dad said it).

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my little Lou Lou .... you're a toilet, and I'm a cow .... how incredibly ... errr, cool is that?! Thanks for writing me back, and yeah I heard about London ... sorries, but thanks for the compliments in the e-mail .. I know, I'm a true baller and a half! I mean, who wouldn't miss me?? haha. We miss you here in Dallas ... dinner was SO good! Bout to have cake and ice cream, don't feel too bad though .. .the ice cream isn't homemade, dangit! Just wanted you to know I love you and miss you ... and have been borrowing your clothes, hahahaha. Try and stop me! :) Oh, and remember this: "There is no sign in the desert that says, Thou shalt not eat rocks." .... words of wisdom from Sufi Proverbs ... gotta love it! Peace out and keep on keepin' on! Love, Moo Moo

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, the boy counselor at camp was Kevin...he worked the pool and other water stuff...curly hair, tall, skinny and as nice as anyone could ever imagine, except to his sister Kristen! Thanks again for including her in your site...have a wonderful time! Kristen's Mom

9:06 AM  

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