Wednesday, July 28, 2004

laughing out loud

So today was a different world compared to yesterday.  I did manage to get my computer back, though they told me to not plug it in to ANYTHING here, and that it would need to be taken in when I get home.  The story of 'Lindsey and the IT guy' grew to such a length that I was told at the end of the day about the girl who was verbally abused and threatened by the IT guy, which was an interesting version of my story.  Anyways, it is fine now, except that I am not anyone's favorite person as we are no longer allowed internet access from our rooms.  Oops. 

Thank you to Samuel, Jim, Mom, and Rod for everything.  You guys have been so supportive and I have laughed SO much!  I must be the luckiest girl in the world- to have friends and family that care so much, even when I am half a world away.  Thank you.

Today we went into London for dinner, and then to The Globe to see 'Measure for Measure.'  I had never seen this Shakespearean piece before, but I very much enjoyed it, especially the last scene.  Matt even decided that it was his favorite play by Shakespeare, which may be a stretch, but glad he's taking an interest. 

Tomorrow we leave for Yorkshire and the moors.  I am giddy like a school-girl!  To read Wuthering Heights and to not know what a moor is takes all the meaning out of it, and most of the desolation.  It should be a great trip.  We will be staying in hostels, a different one each night.  We will do a hike through the moors, visit Bronte sites, and what trip would be complete without another romp through a garden?!  We'll be back Saturday night, so don't expect anything more until then. 

Next weekend is Paris for me, Joanna, Kristen, and Jennifer R.  We are so excited!  We booked our cheap hotel, made a few plans, and now we're working on phrases like, "Where is the restroom?"  The problem with learning these phrases is that we still will not understand any responses that we may receive, but we'll deal with that as we go.  :) 


Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

Well I am glad that everything turned out allright. All of us here in the colonies can now breathe much easier knowing that Lindsey has returned to her giddy self. The best part of this post though, I must say, was that I was deemed worthy enough to be named. Kind of makes me feel like Riverdancing! (Someone please name that movie)

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, the riverdancing line is from the movie Boondock Saint (good movie) ... but moving right along ....Lindsey, smooth move exlax ... trying to take down Oxford, eh? We told you to have a good time, didn't realize the extremes you would take it too! hehe, jk. I love you sissy!! :) You're my hero, always and forever.

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that your spirits are back up. I envy your trip to the moors. Maybe I'll make it there some day. Lot's of famous movies there; "The Werewolf of London", "Hound of the Baskervilles." Oh well, I've been watching too many "Late" movies. Have a wonderful and safe time. I pray that you will have a better experience with the French than two of my friends that have been there lately. May the Lord's Angels watch over you. - Jim

5:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I just have to meet Samuel!!! I've already bonded with you and your sense of humor through written words. Let's do lunch.

So glad my Lindsey is back!!! Isn't it funny how those stories grow each time they're told. Just like when used to play Telephone in Girl Scouts. So funny!!! If the techies have done their jobs, I don't understand why everyone is still banished from internet access. I think there's more to this story than you're being told.

I'll miss your blog for these few days. Will probably check anyway and see what Samuel is up to.

Enjoy yourself and your new friendships. Loving you forever and ever,


7:22 AM  
Blogger Bart said...

Keep an open mind for your first imprsseion of the Yorkshire Moors, hon. They seem ugly and desolate at first, but they grow on you and they become lovely and haunting. You just have to enjoy the rougher side of nature thats less prim and pretty and more wild and bare. Hope you make it through Yarm while you're there.


PS I sent a post card from Nuku'alofa, Tonga to you at Oxford. It should make it before you leave... hopefuly.

3:03 PM  

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