Tuesday, July 27, 2004

bad news, bad day

So up until now, everything has been peachy keen...up until now. 

Apparently, I am soley responsble for bringing a BOT here to Oxford on my computer, which has infected the entire university.  A BOT is like a virus, but worse.  That's right, I killed all the computers here on campus...how do you like that?

Sorry to be in such a downer mood, but I thought we had fixed all this last night.  Damiel found SpyWare on my coputer, and removed 111 programs that my anti-virus software never caught.  We thought we had fixed the problem.  I was dead wrong.

The IT guy here at Brasenose took my computer, and doesn't know when I can have it back.  He can't even plug it into the network, because it begins to scan every computer in the system, all over town.  I've never had this much power before, and never felt so powerless.  He really went off on me- letting me know everything that I have ever done wrong with my computer- and also letting me know that all of this is my fault.  Thanks.  He was pretty mad. 

I'm not anyone's favorite person right now, because now no one can use the internet in their rooms.  Sorry.  I downloaded some anti-virus stuff before I left, but I have learned that this is not enough anymore.  So- this means no more posts for awhile, sparse emails, and definitely no more pictures.  I have to come to the computer room to do anything, but I can't get pictures on my blog from here.  This really sucks.  I feel like I just keep apologizing to people, but I truly am sorry.  I know there are several family members of my friends here that have been checking the site...sorry.    

Anyways- things have definitely been better.  I'll keep you as updated as I can on what is going on here.  Sorry, again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey, Dont worry about the computer. Anti Virus does not do anything against spyware. You can download adaware for free from download.com and run it about every other day. It will remove all the spy ware from your computer. If I were you, I would get your computer back from the Tech guy and I can fix it for you when you get back. Just do not connect to any network until you get it fixed. Email me with any questions you may have...Jazzinrld@aol.com O and by the way, 111 traces is'nt that bad...i have seen computers with over 1000!

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey,

You're still my favorite person. I had a problem with spyware on my home computer, but I used the same software that the previous comment mentioned, AdAware. It is really powerful. I run it about once a week, and always have 2 or three files I need to delete. I think I will set it up on automatic so it will run every time I boot up. It's quick, and efficient.

Don't let this incident spoil your trip. The IT guy sounds like a real creep. It is NOT your fault. many people don't even have anti-virus software, much less spyware hunters (I have 2, AdAware and SpyBot). Bith are good, but AdAware is by far the best.

Set your mind back on the opportunities that God is giving you there. Those are the most important. Hopefully your friends are supporting you through this. I guess adding comments to the Blog is the best way to communicate with you right now. Can you still get regular e-mail? If so, let me know at jim.mcgehee@flexlink.com or gospelteacher@att.net.

Keep your chin up! God still has big plans for you there. You are daily in my prayers.
Your Friend in Christ,

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Rod and Jim for your words of encouragement to my Lady Lindsey. I said the same thing that they need to give the computer back. If they couldn't do their jobs and quarantine a virus or worm before it did so much damage, then I fear for what damage they will do to Lindsey's computer. Techie People With Attitude ... ugh!!!

Lindsey, please don't let them put a damper on your trip. Again, they didn't do their jobs and you're an easy target for the blame!!! But, my dear, you now have your place in history. They'll talk about the Summer of '04 for a very long time.

Being the technologically challenged mortal that I am, I now bow to you and say, "YOU GO, GIRL!!!"

Chin up, and eyes with pride!!!

All my love,

7:17 AM  

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