Monday, August 02, 2004

to be or not to be

Happy Monday! After class today our group will be traveling to Blenheim Palace, another 18th century garden. I'm really getting into this whole garden thing-- which is probably because of the enthusiasm of my professor. Dr. Barchas is too fun, and our classes are so interesting. I think sometimes I scare my classmates with my adamant passion for Jane Austen and all that she has done, but what can you do?

After the garden we are heading to Stratford again to see King Lear. This is another one that I have never seen or read, so it should be pretty interesting. And Stratford is a great place to see Shakespeare. the Globe is certainly fun, but it comes down to the difference between sitting on a wooden bench with decent actors for 3.5 hours, to a cushioned seat with remarkable actors. The seat truly should NOT make a difference, but Shakespeare was not known for his brevity, and 3.5-4 hours is a long time to sit anywhere. :)

Bart posted some new pictures from his sailing trip. He is still in the South Pacific and will be there for the next 3 weeks, returning the day after I do. Check out his pics:
He is truly very talented, though he failed to post a picture of himself, which would have been much appreciated by his girlfriend who hasn't seen him in three weeks. :) But I bugged him about that already, so maybe next time...

I'm off to prepare for class. Today I'm handing in a somewhat mediocre paper on the sexual references of Pemberley and Elizabeth's first experience of it. It was a good idea, but poorly written, and I was too exhausted to do anything about it last night. Have a great Monday!


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