Monday, August 02, 2004

to blog or not to blog

(Yawn) Today was another wonderful day here in cheery old England. Blenheim Palace and Gardens was our first stop, and our tour guide was amazing! The house was truly magnificent, and some of the first tasteful extravagance that we have experienced in our tour of homes. Due to our class discussions, however, Shaun and I find it difficult to peruse a garden without picking out each and every sexual reference therein. Why is it that as we become better educated our minds sink lower into the gutter?

King Lear was another wonderful performance, but I seem to love them all. They did it a bit more contemporary than Shakespeare's time, though nowhere near the present, so the costumes and settings were very unique. The thunder and lightning seemed to wake my sleeping classmates up right before intermission. I totally slept on the way home, which seems to be a trend with me and charter buses at night. I just hope I didn't drool....

Classes for tomorrow, or should I say today, are pushed back an hour due to our late arrival home. We are taking a group picture at 2:30pm in the quad, and we are all supposed to dress up. Thanks for the comments on that last posting- I forgot how much I enjoy the comments that all of you post, but they only come when I write- so I'll write away right away! Ahh- the joys of the English language.

Plans for Paris seem to be going strong, as we just booked our Eurostar tickets- leaving Friday and returning Sunday, and somewhere in there I need to write my paper that is due Monday. I think we are all realizes that our time here is winding down, and everyone is scrambling to make plans for the last week we are here, which is free for all of us (i.e. no classes or finals). I just got an email from one of Bart's friends who lives up north here where he lived, and she offered to let me stay with her for a while. I also have the opportunity to tag along on a number of exciting trips, some of which include Barcelona, Dublin, Greece, the Lake District, Nottingham, Liverpool, and so many more! Decisions...decisions...what's a girl to do?!


Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

What is a girl to do? I can answer that one quite easily... GREECE!!! You have been in England so the various other sites, although different than where you have been, are still England (well, Great Britain at least). You are going to France so Western Europe is taken care of (FC Barcelona is my favorite football club, but the city itself is not all that impressive). Greece offers you Mediterranean culture, exquisite food, the most blue water you will ever see, historical monuments from the birthplace of Western thought, and last but not least, all the stops you make on the way to Greece... France(my country, home of Zizou, speakers of Europe's finest language, and centre of European thought, art, and revolution), Italy(the northern part being the most beautiful region in Europe), Switzerland(coming a close second to Italy as well as having the city in which I plan to retire... Geneva), Slovenia(the best kept secret in Europe), Croatia(amazing beaches, Eastern European culture, but stay on the highways), Macedonia(well, don't tell anyone that they are just part of Greece and you'll be fine), etc. If you would fly, Greece itself is still well worth the trip. Athens is a must, Mount Olympus would be fun, and if you have the ability, check out an island called Egina.

12:20 AM  

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