Thursday, August 05, 2004

feelin groovy

So, I found out what staying up til 6am does to you on this side of the world...about the same that it does on that side of it. Not fun...

Yesterday we went to Stowe gardens...see the pics below...I was feeling artsy...

Last night a bunch of us went to The Bridge and danced the night away. We had a blast, once again, and returned around 3am. Kristen and I met some French guys in the quad, and they gave us pointers about Paris. Then I got online and posted tons of pics, then talked on AIM until 6am. I was brain fried all day- good thing Stonehenge is a bunch of rocks and not anything I really had to think about... :)

Stonehenge was a cool experience, but strange because it is right off the highway. You walk around it on a path with a million other people all holding these mobile tour guides to their ears and elbowing others out of the way to take pictures. The drizzle and haze gave it a neat effect, but it was difficult to stop and meditate on what I was seeing as the giant groups of international tourists shoved you in every direction and stabbed you with their umbrellas. We had a great time, despite the tourist spot that this wonder has become.

Tomorrow we leave for PARIS!!! Can you believe it?! I AM GOING TO PARIS! That is still so strange to say. We are taking the Eurostar under the ocean from London to Paris, and staying in a youth hostel. Tomorrow, the only thing we want to do is go up on the Eiffel Tower and ride on a boat through town. We return on Sunday, at which point we all have papers to write that are due on Monday. Wish me luck, and look for Paris pics on Monday!


Anonymous Anonymous said... I found the minutes, so thank you, they are very helpful. Only problem is that the minutes from the spring are not in there....Im wondering if you took them home with you by chance? Also...any luck on the updated bylaws search? Have a great time in Paris chica...just let me know about this stuff when you get a chance. :)
- Jess

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindey: Stonehenge is the very best on a cold, wet Nov. day. YOU freeze, but you only have to compete with a few other hearty folks. Great for the atmosphere of the place too. Did you see how the site looms from way over the fields? Very impressive. The visitor center was put in while we lived in England. The first time I went there it was a brochure self quided event and one parked where possible. Hope you enjoyed the visit.
Mrs. Y

10:26 PM  

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