Tuesday, August 03, 2004

tire sur mon doigt!

We took a group picture today on the quad, so everyone was lookin' fancy. It was nice to see the guys in suits and girls all fixed up. After the group shot everyone hung around with their digital cameras to get personal pics. I think I took a million pictures, so I will try to get some of those posted tomorrow (I think I already posted enough for today).

The sun was shining when we took our picture, and shortly after it I was in the computer lab posting all those pictures when Joanna came in to inform us that there was a really bad storm outside. This was the point at which I remembered that my windows were open because we are in the middle of a heat wave in a country that hasn't invented air conditioning yet. So...I flew up 4.5 flights of stairs at lightning speed, and it wasn't until I reached my door that I realized that I didn't have a key. So...I flew down 4.5 flights of stairs back to the lab, grabbed my key, back up the 4.5 flights of stairs, not quite at lightning speed any longer, and then into my room. I am pretty sure I screamed a word that I can't actually type on my blog because Mom and Gran read it, but let's just say that the word was yelled in such a manner as to draw a few onlookers to my doorway. And lucky me- my bed is directly under my windows. Sleeping will be fun tonight...in my puddle. :)

I went out for ice cream after dinner with Jennifer JB. G&D's reminds me of Amy's, but with crazy Brits behind the counter, and old American pop music blaring from the speakers. Their 'Bailey's and Sweet Cream' is absolutely to die for! Yum!!!

I had two long conversations today with friends. It was great because apparently I had missed out on a lot in the past few days without even knowing it. There has been some drama lately, but we are girls...and thus- drama. It is amazing how much open and honest communication can smooth over just about anything. Thanks, ladies. I love you.

I got an A on the paper I handed in on Monday- the sexual garden one I wrote about in a previous post. Dr. Barchas really seemed to like it, even though I felt so dirty handing that thing in. I'll never think of Pride and Prejudice the same way again...and it's my own dang fault!

Tomorrow we go to Stowe, though I think the bus will be pretty empty. It sounds like everyone who is not taking the garden class with me is getting pretty gardened-out. I still love them, though. When I get back, Kristen and I are going to Bible Study with our new English friends from church, and afterwards we are grabbing Jo and Jen and going dancing!!! Those girls are too much fun! Looking forward to another great day here in jolly old Oxford, where the sun dials are useless and they put alcohol in the ice cream (Mom will laugh here...). I love this country! :)


Blogger Christopher Smith said...

Sorry to hear about your bed, at least you got some good exercise, eh? I love reading your blog, thanks for posting so often!

9:24 PM  
Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

Well I just got back from the ER where doctors succesfully rescued me from a "lindseycarter.blogspot.com" reading overdose. I must say adding around 4,000 words from a mere 7,000 total to equal out to a whopping 11,000 plus in three humble days is quite the feat. I think I have an addiction. Oh well, you know what they say... Admitting you have an addiction is the first step to recovery. So I think I am well on the road (Something to do with a wagon, but I never know if I am on, or off, or getting run over...?).
Mais, je dois te dire aussi que la titre francais c'etait absolument merveilleux! Vive la France et tous les francophones!

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to talk to you!!! Im sorry to leave this on your blog, but I know you check this comments section more often than email probably, so please please email me!! Of course talking to you on the phone would be better...but Im assuming you dont have that ability over there. lol. I know you are having a blast over there, but I cant wait for you to get back! Im sorry to leave a business related message on here...but I dont know how else to get ahold of you!
- Jess :)

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to talk to you!!! Im sorry to leave this on your blog, but I know you check this comments section more often than email probably, so please please email me!! Of course talking to you on the phone would be better...but Im assuming you dont have that ability over there. lol. I know you are having a blast over there, but I cant wait for you to get back! Im sorry to leave a business related message on here...but I dont know how else to get ahold of you!
- Jess :)

11:47 AM  

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