Happy Birthday, Daniel!

Today, August 9th, my younger brother Daniel turns 14! Wow Dan, this time next year you'll have a driving permit (I think my mom just passed out- someone help her off the floor...)! Since I am on the other side of the globe and cannot give him a hug or embarrass him in person, this post is dedicated solely to Daniel! Yay Daniel!
Please leave comments on this post only to Daniel. If you don't know him, you know me, and that means he's GOT to be cool! Right, Dan? (**crickets chirping**) ...oh well... Leave him a comment anyways- despite the fact that you know me. He's a cool kid and I love him to death! Yay Daniel!
Happy birthday, and I love you, D-Man!
Look, son. You turned 14 at Lindsey's place first!!! Awesome! We love you and are so very proud of the young man you are becoming. Oh, and whoa on the driving permit. All in due time, all in due time. Let's just be 14 for a while. Have a wonderful year, Daniel. You're pretty awesome!!!
Mom and Dad
Daniel- you rock my socks, kiddo! I forgot to put this on the post- but I bought you a really cool gift last week, packaged it up, and never went to the post office. I know- I suck. BUT- this means that when I get home, you will have a souvenier from the trip AND a birthday present! Double the fun! Sound okay? Your birthday present is so cool that I may go back and get me one! I didn't forget- I promise.
Have a great birthday, D-Man, and live it up! I told everyone this morning at breakfast that the coolest little brother in the world turns 14 today! I love you I love you I love you!!! Go annoy Mom and Dad and Moo for me. See you in 11 days...
The coolest big sis ever- Lou
Happy Birthday Daniel...I can remember when you were born. Your big sisters, (little then), and I got all packed up, (food, books and drinks) to await the birth of a new sibling. You were in such a big hurry to make your appearance, we hardly got to settle down. Any way fourteen years ago today, around five PM, you were here. Everyone was so happy you were a boy. We spent a while with you, your dad, and your mom, taking pictures and being silly.What a glorious day. And here you are, taller than any of us. You are so fun to be around, (except when you try to be annoying) but that's OK, we are so proud of you and the person you have grown to be. Have a fun day and hope you had a good time at the ballgame.
Papa and I love you and look forward to every summer when you spend some time with us. It is special.
See you next week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
Gran and Papa
Happy b'day D'man.
Hiya Danny,
I'm Lindsey's Oxford pal, Joanna, and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday from Lindsey's random friend Kristen in Oxford!(K-chap-water-dog-from-Camp-Buckners twin) I hope that you are thoroughly embaressed by your sisters actions, because she is counting on it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Well, this is a Happy Birthday from yet another random friend of Lindsey's. I, however, am not off in la la land enjoying the wonders of Western Europe while the rest of us slave away back here in the States. Just wanted to let you know that since your sister missed your Birthday and didn't mail your present, you absolutely have the right to... like... go through her diary or something. Enjoy.
Happy Birthday not so little Cousin!!! Yes driving is right around the corner!...And tell your Mom not to worry...next time you in town ill take you to a nice big open paking lot and teach you all the important aspects of controling speed! he he he
Hope you have a Awesome Birthday Daniel!!! And remember...A Birthday Cake is the only food you can blow and spit on and everyone still rushes to get a piece!
Your Cousin,
Oh D-man, how I love the! Happy Birthday, freak. Good gawd, I seriously can't believe you're the big 1-4!! I remember Gran's story about going to see you when you were born ... she picked us up from daycare, and we had coloring books and trail mix .. then we got home, you took over my room, I had to share a room (and bed) with Linz .. and the rest as we know it is ... is, well yeah ... remember the mother's day when Lindsey burnt the biscuits?? Anywhat, today was fun .. hoped you liked the random cards and shirts I got ya ... oh, and you better love that I got you Van Wilder, cuz we know mom didn't! haha. Olive Garden was fun, Beth enjoyed it too .... you ate SO much! Yum, mints. I love you!! Even though you were mean to me this morning. I hope mom and dad get you a Taurus when you're old enough to drive!! So that you can be coolio like your two big sisters! :) Love, Moo
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