Monday, August 09, 2004

oh the insanity!

Pictures were all I had time for- I'll attempt at the stories later. Enjoy! Paris was absolutely amazing! Funny thing is indeed one of the most romantic places I have ever been...however...everything smelled like either urine or body odor- ugh! But enjoy the pictures until I have words to go with them...until then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindey, I am Jennifer's Aunt Sally. Congratulations on such a wonderful journal. I am continuously in awe of the knowledge and abilities of you "younger adults"! Your journal and photography are fantastic...Do I sense a career in both?
I am just starting my journey with the computer and hope someday to learn to put my photography out there for people to enjoy. I especially love to take photos of flowers and beautiful gardens.
Have a fantastic "rest of your journey" and come home safely! (something every Mother says and means-sorry)

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me guess, you liked the Eiffel Tower? Seriously, you can't be taking photos with a regular old digital camera, are you? - they're too good, so I'm guessing you have one of those huge Bart-size cameras.

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, did you notice that you can see a replica/original model of the Statue of Liberty from the top of the Eiffel Tower? There is a good chance that I am making the history up, in which case I'm sure someone will correct me, but I think it was the sister or companion statue of what was presented to the U.S., or something like that at any rate. Smaller version.

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes...I must agree with Julie that the pictures are awesome! I hope you are enjoying the camera Lindsey! You do know that it is my favorite and im sure now you see why! Oh and Julie...the camera is not large at is actually very, very, small! Bigger is not always better!
Hope your having a great time,
Your Cousin, Rod

10:10 AM  

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