Sunday, August 15, 2004

voy a salir otra vez

So- I came home, posted some pics, repacked my bags, and now I'm about to be off again. I meet Jessica in the morning in the airport in Barcelona. Pray that we find each other. Apparently, another girl already came home because she couldn't find her friends in Barcelona. The thing that will save me: Jessica was smart enough to get a cell phone when she got here- so I can call her in the airport if I don't see her. Yay! We plan on laying on the beach and doing a lot of nothing- sound good to anyone else?... If I can get internet access, I'll let you know how jealous you should be, and if not, you'll have to wait to be jealous until I get back Wednesday night. :)

I can't believe this trip is almost over. I've been here for almost six weeks now, so it's strange to think of leaving. I dream of Bart, my family, my friends, home- all the time. It just feels like it will be different when I get home. Not bad- just different. Mom is ready for me to be home. Mallory moves out of the house and into her dorm on Wednesday. Bart comes back to Texas Saturday, though his Austin arrival is sketchy. When I get back- I walk into madness: I have to move back into the sorority house to immediately get into Recuitment 2004, which I am missing most of. No time for jet-lag or seeing my family it seems...just unpack, pack up and move out. UT starts on Wednesday the 25th, and before then I have move-in, 3 days of recruitment, a full day of training for work, a scholarship orientation, buying books, reuniting with Bart...and then BAM! School starts. There's no transition period from England to chaos...but I guess that's what the 10 hour plane ride is for. :) It's just a little surreal...that's all. I've had the trip of a lifetime- and I've had a blast. I'll miss it, I will really miss it.

I'm off to sleep for 3 hours before catching a bus to the airport. My philosophy the entire trip has been: I am in England- I can sleep when I get home. But after what I have just told you- you know that as false as I do. Oh well- it'll be worth it!


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