Wednesday, October 06, 2004

hey how are you?

I did it. I told her. And in that car a week ago last night, I told her everything. I told her about my past, my present, my sins, fears, thoughts-- no wonder she seems depressed. The conversation began as an effort to become transparent, and was successful in that endeavor, though it has since become quite a burden for the recipient. I pray for her daily, that she hasn't lost hope in me completely, and that she doesn't feel the desire to fix me. She can't. But what she can do is help me to seek Him in this- consistently and whole-heartedly. I don't regret it at all, for through this I have discovered a freedom that words cannot begin to describe- the freedom to be free in Him. I pray that she will lean on me, share with me, walk with Him, and find that freedom for herself.

Last week saw my spiritual life take several twists and turns, and now as I pick up the pieces, the struggle isn't actually to pick them up, but rather, to leave some on the floor. The quest now: to figure out who I am, and to become that person, instead of the few other people I seem to masquerade as. The only way I can do this: seek Him is everything.

Have you ever noticed that the most common greeting on campus is, "Hey- how are you?" This irks me beyond words. Why? Because of its outright insincerity. You don't have time to find out how someone is by passing them on the street. They will undoubtedly answer in some one-word adjective, like "good" or "tired" and the two of you continue walking, neither any more aware of the well-being or life of that person than they were before the brief encounter. Even if by some off chance you happen to be one of those rare people that actually sincerely wants to know how that person is- this greeting is so casual, so common, that the care which was intended can not be made apparent. So, I ask you- what is to be done?

I am thus on a quest for authentic greetings for passing people on campus- and I need you guys to help me out. I need a sentence or two- I dunno- something to say that goes beyond a simple hello, but doesn't seem so empty and nonchalant as the one previously mentioned. I need to be honest, sincere, and as genuine as possible.

This will not, however, resolve the issue of people presenting me with the customary "hey- how are ya?" I think my mom actually has this one covered, though. My mom tells me about this awesome lady at work, who has her own special way of sharing God's love through one simple response. When presented with that greeting, this lady responds that she is "blessed." I can't think of a more honest answer than that. How are you? Blessed. I love it.

Let's all respond this way today- because it is so true for all of us. And think before you speak- preventing yourself from nonchalant and fake greetings. I want to be intentional, I want to be genuine. Any other takers?


Blogger Christopher Smith said...

What about the phrase "Yo!", or even "What's up!!"? Or maybe "Where ya headed?"? Sorry it took so long to read this far on your Blog.

10:48 PM  

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