Thursday, September 08, 2005


In Turkish, "bilmiyorum" means "I don't know." That's where I am right now... I don't know. I feel like reality has been weighty since I returned to school. There was the murder across the street from me, my Gran getting very ill and going into the hospital, the hurricane victims, and then Melanie. In college, it is pretty easy to detach from the outside world, but occasionally reality breaks through and takes over. That's where I am right now... in reality. Strange, but true.

Last night Bart ( cancelled his plans and took me to the movies. 'The Constant Gardener' was definitely another dose of reality, but a good one. I highly recommend it. But Bart and I got to talk quite a bit (which is what we usually do), and he let me ramble. I told him about how I shared my faith with her this summer, and how she didn't believe-- that's the part that's eating me up inside.

I just don't know how to feel or what to do. Bilmiyorum.

(Bart wrote a little about our chat on his blog, too, if you want to check it out (Sept. 8th post). His blog is one of my favorites-- if you happen to like reading blogs. He is also an amazing photographer, poet, and a very dear friend.)

PS- This is completely unrealated, but it made me smile today, so I figured I would share it:

"Eros will have naked bodies; Friendship naked personalities."
C. S. Lewis


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