Saturday, November 20, 2004

comfort in the storm

Outside it is storming, but inside it is too. Outside the thunder rumbles, the lightning flashes, the rain beats against the window, and the building shakes. Inside, the soul rumbles, the truth flashes its righteous self acrosss the inner-workings, my hands beat against my stubborn head, and the body shakes with sobs. It is because of times like these that we understand peace. It may be awhile yet-- but the storm within must run its course.

I am writing today. I am praying today. I am coming to terms with choices that I have made and the course I have opted to take. Confessions made, repentence shared, forgiveness on the horizon. I miss Him. He is with me today. And when I finally make that choice to listen, that choice to open my heart up, I will see Him. He is standing behind me as we speak, tapping my shoulder, longing to be seen by a heart that shut Him out some time ago. I must go. I must go to Him. Be in prayer, dear friends.

Wisdom isn't an easy thing to obtain, because it cannot be optained through the self. At the center of sin is self-- and it has been all about me for far too long. I have been consumed by self and sin, and have been set apart from that Wisdom I long for and seek. But without these times, I wouldn't understand any of this, and I won't until I am on the other side.

Goodbye, Self. I'm going Home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Peace, be still." He says to the winds and the waves, and they are silenced by Him who was, and is, and is to come.

-=- tomodachi -=-

10:53 PM  

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