Tuesday, November 02, 2004

update from spain

Here's what I know from the Spain team. Please continue to be in prayer for each of them.

Caleb and Lindsey came back to the States to see his dad, who had recently been taken off life-support. He dad died about a week ago, and news came Friday that Lindsey and Caleb would not be returning from the States, and Lindsey is going to have her baby here. The baby is due around the 15th (THE GREATEST DAY OF THE WHOLE YEAR!!!), and she is doing fine.

Stephanie, Shanna, and Bart are doing great in Spain. Shanna took a trip to Barcelona (another love of mine) this weekend, while Bart went to the opposite coast to photograph the beach and refresh himself. They are all taking Spanish classes and all do intercambios- 2 hour meetings where one hour is in English and one is in Spanish. It sounds like they have all met some really cool people and are all being used by Him. Stephanie and Bart are each working on photography projects, so there are some great pictures on their blogs.

Go to Bart's blog for the latest: www.bartemeo-negro.blogspot.com
At the top right of his blog there are links to the blogs of the other team members. Stephanie updates hers pretty regularly, and she cracks me up! :) If you would like to send them some snail mail of encouragement, let me know and I'll send you their address. In the top middle of Bart's blog there is a link to his photo-album with hundreds of incredible pictures to peruse at your leisure.

Please continue to be in prayer for each one of them, even those who had to return home. It is all a part of His Perfect Plan.