Monday, October 18, 2004

looking glass revisited


From post on Sept. 28th:

She stares out the window and wonders whether it was meant to look through or break through. When one door closes, a window opens- but is that so you can see what you missed or so you can jump out of it? She opts for breaking through and jumping out, spreads her wings, and takes flight.

New post on October 18th:

She stares out the window, swallowing the lump in her throat. She dreamt at one time of breaking through this very window and taking flight. But that dream was just that, for she could not stop looking back over her shoulder.

She has been staring out the window for quite some time. Part of her knew all along what she would have to do, but part of her kept looking over her shoulder. The conversation she had today left no doubt in her mind-- and there was no way she would break through that window after the floor had dropped out from under her. Just kidding.

The floor on which she stands is solid- her foundation is built on a Rock. The conversation only shut the door behind her, a door that had been closed before, but was now securely locked and bolted. She needed that last bolt- just to make sure.

Closed door behind her, firm ground beneath her, she stares out the window like before- only this time...she smiles.


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