Saturday, October 30, 2004

alpha xi's on ice

Thursday night was Alpha Xi Date Night. It was also "bring a date and make him bleed" night for many. Broomball was a curious choice for a date night, and the costume requirement seemed even more interesting. Nevertheless, the general concesus was that fun was had by all, even those who went home bleeding.

Here I am. I dressed as a guy-- my date to be exact. This concept seemed to confuse most people, as they asked who my date went as. My date... riiight. The long silver earrings give it just the right touch of masculinity...don't you think? ;-)

im so cuteim so cute

For those of you who don't understand broomball, I'm not exactly sure that I do either. I mean, I know what I was told about it, but what I actually experienced is a different story. There was a lot of ice, a lot of falling and sliding, way too much testosterone, and quite a bit of blood.

action shot

The costumes ranged from flappers to clowns, naughty school girls to ladybugs. We had a blast taking pictures and laughing at one another. It also helped that the event began at midnight because everything is funnier in the middle of the night! You can also see how Taylor opted to refrain from pick-up lines, and proceeded to literally pick me up. Further down you will see how Julie and I ambushed Jake, her other date, with a kiss-- 2nd event in a row we have done this-- might become a tradition.

group shot

interesting...check this out

erika the great

how's this for a pick-up line?hot chicks
i'm gunna getchakat
now it's a traditionmy little cowgirl

Look at the cute couples! :) Cows, candies, doctors, and crazies-- the fun never ends! Julie (the ladybug) and I were a couple too... a couple of nuts!!!

got milk?m&m's

they shop at saversscrubs

There may have been a slight case of hat theft... I called it "borrowing"

hey there, cowboyhat-swap

If you would like to see more, PartyPics took a ton of pictures. Here is the link:

Happy Halloween, everyone! And stay safe! :)


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