Sunday, October 24, 2004

randumb poll

Thursday night is our Date Party event for the sorority. Well, technically it takes place on Friday morning, since it runs from 12-2am...but that is unimportant. Here is the delimma: The event is broomball in costumes.

I know some of you are laughing right now, and others of you are very confused. Those of you laughing may skip to the next paragraph, and for the confused ones, I will elaborate: Broomball is a game played on an ice skating rink. Leave your skates at home, guys-- this sport is played in your tennis shoes! I've never done this before, but it was explained to me as similar to hockey- helmets and all, hitting a ball from one end to the other. The hitch in all of this is the costume part... on ice. I've been told that the point of this game is to spend much of the time on your rear end, on the ice. That's where the poll comes in.

I need all of you to comment on this post, recommending your pick for the best costume to be worn at an early morning date party while playing broomball. So far the verdict is this: since I have no date, I shall wear a tie and hat and go as my own date. The pants and comfortable clothing would hopefully allow for a better performance during the game... and who am I trying to impress anyway? :) However, I would really like to hear your suggestions. What to wear?!


Blogger Bart said...

You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. We used to play broomball all the time up in Michigan, and let me tell you... it is BRUTAL. I suggest that you go as a NFL linebacker, or maybe Sponge Bob Squarepants. At least then you'll have an excuse to protect yourself. Otherwise, expect to have severe hip, knee, wrist, and cranial bruising.

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest a crash dummy ...

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should go as something really skanky and let all the cute guys protect you. ;-) Win/win situation eh?

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since when do cute guys "protect" you when you're dressed like a skank? and i don't know how well hooker boots work on ice... i dunno lindz- maybe you could wear scrubs and play doctor?... that sounds like win/win to me!

7:39 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

a memo from management:

you guys are all fired! are you kidding me?! a line-backer, a crash dummy, Sponge Bob, skank or flirty doctor?! i give up... :)

it is 8 hours until the event and I have tons to do before then, so the costume is yet to be determined. i'll try to post tonight and let you know how it went! i love you all (even though none of you helped at all!)!

luv linz

2:22 PM  

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