Wednesday, December 01, 2004

she looks like a longhorn to me

isa the cowgirl

Ladies and gentlemen-- your attention, please!

Lindsey's blog is proud to present a new addition to the University of Texas longhorn family... ISA!!! Isn't she gorgeous?! Isn't it grand?!!! She looks like one of us! And what do you think of the new hair-do, Pablo? Like it? (Say yes... say yes...)

Isa, I am so proud of you. Texas is your home now. (I just have to get you saying "y'all" and "howdy" before you head back to Spain in January!) I love you, chica!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isa -- you look mahvelous dahling!!! (translate for her, Lindsey). I'm looking forward to spending more time with you during the holidays. You're an awesome lady. Hook 'Em Horns!!!

Lindsey -- How about "fixin' to". Goes quite nicely with "y'all" and "howdy".


7:33 AM  

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