Saturday, April 02, 2005

my so called bizzare life

Four people in the last week have used the term "bizarre" to describe me. They are corect. I am okay with that.

You are never going to believe this-- as I hardly believe it myself-- but I accidentally ran into Don Miller tonight. For all I knew he was back in Portland, but no, he was at the Derek Webb concert. And you will never believe this either... he asked me for a hug! Donald Miller, one of the people I admire most in this world, asked ME for a hug! He also thanked me for the letter and said he'd hang my picture on the bulletin board up above his desk. I win. I totally win-- even though I stood there blushing and grinning like an idiot... this is a new reaction for me. At least I didn't open my mouth this time. ;-)

Yes, I am bizarre-- but you're reading my blog. What does that say about you? Ha.

PS- Derek was amazing. His heart radiates through his music. I love it. Check him out:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the wall above his desk?! Lindsey! You are so going to be his muse! And yes dear you are bizarre, but that is why we love you so much.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh, normalcy isn't all it's cracked up to be.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you Lindsey doll. Thank you for sending me your address (again) so that I can spend half an hour reading and catching up on your life for the last two months (again). I'm glad I caught you on im in the middle of the night last week. hugs and kisses!

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you Lindsey doll. Thank you for sending me your address (again) so that I can spend half an hour reading and catching up on your life for the last two months (again). I'm glad I caught you on im in the middle of the night last week. hugs and kisses!

6:37 PM  

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