Wednesday, March 30, 2005

stalking don miller

Okay, okay. So it sorta looks like I'm stalking Don Miller, but I promise it is total coincidence that I happen to appear in his vacinity every time he appears on campus.... I swear!

This week is REZ Week, and my favorite time of year at UT. REZ Week is the week I see all my Christians friends from all over campus in one place, a time for Christians and non-Christians to dialogue ith one another in an open and safe environment, and this year, it is the time when I skip all my classes and stalk Don Miller, one of my favorite authors. :)

The House of Prayer is open 24 hours all week to pray and worship in fron of Gregory Gym on campus. Adjacent to it is the coffee house and visual arts display-- new features this year, and a really great idea. The coffee house features live music and performers during the midday, and Don has been reading from his books. Then in the evenings, there is a live concert from local bands, a performer of some sort, and then Don speaks.

That's where I've been all week for those of you who have been wondering. If you are looking for me, you should go to the House of Prayer and coffee house. It's been great. There are also giant boards with topical questions written on them and the opportunity to respond. Some of the questions include: "What do you hate about Christians?" "What is the path to heaven?" "Why would Jesus be a democrat/ republican?" etc. People stand all day staring at the boards and I've heard some really great conversations in that area.

Last night, some really awesome people that I know from Truett Seminary came down to hear Don, and then I went to Magnolia with them afterwards. It was great!

This is straight from the REZ week website:

REZ WEEK Themes and Topics
We believe that Jesus is worth following, yet often those who claim to follow him give him a bad name. "Christianity," as a word, has a lot of baggage with it because of these people. Christians have separated themselves from the rest of the world by creating a subculture that often does not reflect Jesus at all. We hope to expose this subculture during Rez Week so that Christians will learn to really live like Jesus, and so that those who have yet to follow Christ can see that they can follow Jesus without joining the Christian subculture, which many find repulsive.

Monday: The Destruction of Christian Culture (Jesus and "Christian culture")
- Free Speech Topic: "What I hate about Christians"

Tuesday: The Destruction of Five-Step Faith (Jesus and Religious Formulas)
- Free Speech Topic: "How do you find God?"

Wednesday: The Destruction of Fire and Brimstone (Jesus and Judgment)
- Free Speech Topic: "How has God blessed you?"

Thursday: The Destruction of Church and State (Jesus and Politics)
- Free Speech Topic: "Why Jesus would be a Democrat/Republican."

Friday: The Destruction of the American Dream (Jesus and Patriotism)
- Free Speech Topic: "How has the United States of America caused suffering around the world?"

The REZ Week website link:

On Friday, I will be attending a conference with Don Miller, not connected with REZ Week, but through the Emerging Church Network. It's called Blue Like Jazz Riffs and includes lunch with Don, a Q&A time, readings, and a message. I'm so psyched!!!

Check out the link if you are interested. It's too late to get lunch with Don, but you can still attend. :)


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