Monday, March 14, 2005

need you now

Okay, here it is--real quick and from the front lines--

This trip has been amazing!!! God is rockin' it like none other! I have had so many incredible conversations and divine appointments! I have seen people I know from home, will see more in the days to come, continue to run into the same people over and over, and I never cease to be amazed!

God broke my heart last night. I cried like I haven't in quite some time. He is so amazing, guys. He was digging out some old sin, some old hurt-- and man, it hurt like hell. But He is refilling me to the point of overflowing-- and I am.

But hey- this is why I found this computer:
I am sick-- I am bad sick-- like a mack truck ran over my head and chest, and not to be gross, but my nose is pouring. Yuck. I need your prayers and I need them now. Please pray, and don't stop. My team still needs you and the people we have met still need you.

Pray for Kim who rededicated her life last night-- I'm supposed to go see her later in the week. Pray for Mary and Nicole-- that I will continue to run into them here. Pray that I meet up again with the 3 guys from Minnesota and the crew from Purdue. God is working here. Believe me.

Thanks again. Sorry again for the terse and unorganized entry- but I'm off to dinner and an all-night van shift. Keep praying, and know that I love you all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so glad that things are going well. I hope you're feeling better. I miss you so much and can't wait to talk to you again. I love you :)

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good updates. Keep working, and know that we continue praying! "We must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day. Night comes, when no one can work." John 9:4

11:23 AM  

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