Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Every morning I wake to the sweet sounds of jackhammers and workers. Construction work surrounds my house-- the builing of apartments, the repairing of condos, and the filling in of pot holes. I can't go outside without seeing it. I can't go home without hearing it. And as it turns out, I can't do anything without feeling it.

God is building up new parts, and rebuilding others. I can't escape it, because it is taking place on the inside. I wake to it every morning, and it continues until sundown. It isn't easy- construction never is. I have to find new routes, since the old ways don't work anymore. I have to be ready to stop suddenly and wait while His bulldozer clears the path and His steamroller smooths it over. It isn't easy, but it is a welcome change.

There should be CAUTION tape around me, because the work is still going on. The sign out front should say "Please excuse our mess." I don't know what this building will look like when He is finished, but I'm looking forward to the improvements.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put. We don't expect buildings and roads to work when they are under construction but we expect humans to respond to us favorably and act appropriately all the time. I think much grace and forgiveness will be my goal as I see myself and all other humans under perpetual construction with caution tape all around. Thanks for the insight, Lindz

6:03 PM  

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