Wednesday, February 09, 2005

dating tip

The Great Julie shared this bit of wisdom with me:

The Onion's Dating Tips #10:
Instead of going out tonight, punch yourself in the nuts three times, and in the heart twice. This will save you approximately $75.

Thanks, Julz. I'm look forward to Monday's "non-festivities" on that random "non-holiday" that happens to be on February 14th. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY DAY everyone!!!

p.s. linz- who wrote that anonymous note?

9:36 PM  
Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

I have no earthly idea why this applies to you because you have neither nuts, a heart nor a social mandate to spend $75 on your date!

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I heard George Bush has a mandate."

"Really? I thought he was opposed to gay marriage..."

5:46 PM  

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