Thursday, January 27, 2005



Tuesday night at La Zona Rosa, my life changed. Katy invited me to go with her to hear this band from the UK. Keane I don't even have words. It is so strange to think that a concert could have such an impact, but I left that night forever changed. Wow. You must hear them. You must support them. You must learn about them. Three guys-- one incredible sound. Do yourself a favor and check it out-- like now. :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo, you're right ... I do like Keane! What I like more than them though .. is that you're back on the blog! It's about dang time ... I've had nothing to read, lol. I love you! *Moo*

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about Keane, but I do know I've missed your updates. Glad to see you're back. I love you, and I love Moo, too. I see a song title emerging here.


8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsey...I can't believe you have never heard of Keane! They remind me of Coldplay and Radiohead. If you like them then you will be a fan of Brit Rock. Check it out...there are a lot of good bands.


8:27 PM  
Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

Hey... just a random comment. One of my friends from LHS had the lyrics to "Somwhere Only We Know" up as their away message... thought you would enjoy that. Oh, and YOU STILL HAVEN'T POSTED!!

12:15 PM  

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