Wednesday, December 08, 2004

where am i going and why am i in this handbasket?

Haven't heard from Lindsey lately? No calls, emails, blog entries, coffee gatherings? That is because this week is FINALS WEEK at the University of Texas at Austin. The only people who have seen me are in this handbasket with me. :) I have 2 finals tomorrow: 'Intro to Nutrition' and 'History of Religion in America to 1800.' Then next Tuesday... Greek. Ugh. Yep- next Tuesday I will be expected to accurately translate word for word several pages of Lysias speeches, as well as provide lemma forms and gramatical analysis. Sound like fun? You're smokin' something. But after that, I move home to Drippin' on the 15th (because the house closes), and then I'll be commuting to and from campus to go to work, probably bumming on several couches some nights to save on gas money. Christmas in Drippin, New Year's TBA, and then off to Nashville on the 1st for the Passion '05 Conference. Patrick's wedding is in Dallas on the 8th, I work for a week, then the BSM Leadership Retreat... and before you know it school has begun again. Wow. That doesn't leave much time for self-reflection, meditation, intense prayer, reading several books, seeing family and loved-ones, going to Houston to see friends and their homes, and moving back to campus. Okay-- so this is making my head hurt and all I really wanted to do was to tell everyone why it looks like I've slipped off the face of the earth. I'm still here-- me and my books and notes-- and I will rejoin the human race somewhere mid-next week. I'm off to my handbasket... and away we go! :)

Shout outs:
I miss my Isa-- can I drive you to Bible Study on Friday night? :) It would be my pleasure... and we are SO going for bubble tea!

Samuel- once you and I conquer this Greek test- we are celebrating! But we can't burn anything-- because we might need it for our class next semester. Think of something equally as amusing to substitute for playing with fire... :)

Julie is the most amazing young lady I have ever known! The girl has five finals and has been studying non-stop for over a week. Her dedication and drive are awe-inspiring. You rock, Julz!!! I heart you!


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