Wednesday, February 02, 2005


This is your official IOU.
I owe you pictures, poems, stories, and fun.

This is what you have to look forward to...
Three weddings, a trip to Nashville, reuniting with friends, the departing of friends, stories, updates, thoughts, tales, and lore-- from the last 2 months.

I know-- I suck. Hi- my name is Lindsey and I am a crappy blogger... isn't that the first step? I will return with avengence as soon as I return from my Truett Seminary Preview Weekend-- which you will have to hear about as well. I will redeem myself by Sunday.

(And for Mom and Gran-- I got an A on my first creative writing paper! Yay!)


Blogger Samuel Gunter said...

Why yes you are a crappy blogger. Thanks for noticing. :)

7:35 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Thanks, buddy-- because you are so much better and oh so consistent with yours...


12:45 PM  

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