Monday, February 14, 2005

i love my boys

I wasn't going to do it, and I held out as long as I could, but there is something deep inside me that loves this day. I love Valentine's Day! I really do, and I thought I could boycott, but it just isn't me. I love love! I love romance! I love pink and red and fuzzy and chocolate!
Wow- I am a girl...


I find myself content and single this Valentine's Day, but not alone. No, I have several men in my life, several amazing men. I want to honor these men today and tell them how much I love them and how much they mean to me. These men love me, watch over me, teach me, guide me, listen to me, and most importantly... put up with me! And for that, you all deserve the highest honor and praise, for you are amazing men and I love you with all my heart! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

PS- I really wanted to call this entry "happy vd" but my cute side won out over my cynical side... dang cute side


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sad that I didn't make it on your list. I guess I'll have to wait until you start seminary. ;)

6:44 PM  

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