Tuesday, March 01, 2005

free advertising


So being the friend of a rambling blogger has its perks-- free advertising. So here is a free plug for a group of young men who are totally and completely selling ou to God's Call in their lives, singing and praising God with everything that they have. Ryan, one of my favorite people in the entire world (an definitely my favorite drummer) is in a band called Alive. On Sunday, Alive opened for Mercy Me in San Antonio, and for those of you who don't know anything about Christian music, THAT IS HUGE!!! They found out yesterday that they get to open for Toby Mac, formally of DC Talk, to which I screamed and jumped up and down. This is so incredible, and I am so proud of these amazing young men.

So anyways, go to www.aliveband.org and check them out. Listen to the song they have on the site. Also, I promised to bring at least 40 people with me to their CD release party scheduled for April 6th at Stubbs. I would love it if you would join me :)

PS- The guys in the picture (front to back) are Ryan, Adam, Kris, and Stephen. I was in band with Stephen, Kris took me to Junior Prom, and Ryan and I dated for two years. I love these guys! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOO there for the CD release party .... our little Ryan, how cute. *moo*

12:19 AM  

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