Tuesday, November 15, 2005

other plans for me

You know, you're birthday is the only day that you are truly justified in shamelessly seeking attention. That was the plan, at least. But my birthday had other plans for me...

In my first class of the day, Turkish 506, a migraine hit-- right as the vocabulary quiz was handed out. I was either in excruciating pain, heavily sedated, or something like a drunkard for the rest of the day-- depending on how much medicine I took and how recently I had taken it.

Luckily, I still got my gray day. That's the thing about my birthday-- I always get a cold front for it, and today was no exception. The sky was overcast, the wind cut and stung, and there was even some minor precipitation. Not a shabby birthday gift.

Tonight, I saw Pride and Prejudice-- the new that's in theaters. I was worried, but unrightfully so. For the time constraints, it is an incredible depiction of one of my favorite books of all time. See it! You won't be sorry-- unless you are a guy-- because in seeing this movie, you will meet face-to-face the man you will never live up to. Sorry, boys. Every girl wants her Mr. Darcy. Sigh...

All in all, and in spite of the migraine-- it was a very nice day. Thank you for all of the cards and phone calls. The 34 Facebook Wall messages were a bit strange, but thank you to you all as well.

Monday, November 14, 2005

what's with today, today?

"There is still no cure for the common birthday."
~John Glenn

Friday, November 11, 2005

and then he said...

so i says to mable, i says, i says

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


He told me that I was amazing, that I was a woman of character.
He told me that I was loved, and deserved to be loved.
He told me the things that he sometimes does that fill that place that no other human can fill-- the place I wish God would take away so I would never need the words of mortals again. But it is still there, and he filled it again.

The strange thing was, last night, for the first time, I didn't need him to say those things to know that they were true.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

the funniest thing i heard this weekend

We were discussing the monetary value of a soul in US dollars (don't ask why), when she-who-will-remain-nameless said that inside her would be a note that read:

"I owe you 1 soul.
