Bart is coming home today...9:08 pm...I'll be there at baggage claim. Why does time go so slowly when you just want it to fly?
I have a picture, a prediction, of what tonight will be like. The only problem is- what to say? What do you say to someone you haven't spoken to in 4 weeks? Everything I think of seems so impersonal, so trite, but do I really want to be deep and emotional with someone who has been on planes for an absurd number of hours? This is my dilemma. Hmm....
Maybe I should let him speak first and set the mood. That won't happen- I know myself too well. I wish I could stand there and smile and have him come to me- because I don't think he will recognize me and I want him to look for me. But, knowing the girl in me, I will scream and run at him and wrap my arms around him- even though he proabably will wonder who this crazy girl is. (For those of you who don't know, since Bart left I have lost 15 lbs, chopped all my hair off, gotten a tan, purchased new glasses and trendy new clothes- becaus eht old ones were falling off.)
It isn't a big deal- it's just something I can't stop thinking about- so I will plague my blog and its readers with it. The reunion will be good- slightly awkward, very happy, and highly public- as many of our friends will be there to see it. (And even more awkward when Bart reads this post on my blog and realizes that I have told the whole world that I'm this crazy. Sorry honey- they already know.)
I'm am in this agony of anticipation- and thus I will spend my day. The excitement is almost more than I can bear- and certainly more than my co-workers can. Come home, babe!
On a completely unrelated note, I have a new digital camera- which means that my blog is about to get that much more fun. Be prepared. :) I think I annoyed my boss with my photography this morning, but I had a ton of fun! Look forward to future posts and hearing all about our reunion at the airport!!!