Sunday, October 31, 2004

that girl

So I'm that girl who forgot about the time change and ended up heading to church an hour early. I hate that I am that girl only because this girl really could have used that extra hour of sleep. Oh well. (Luckily I pick people up for church and didn't actually arrive at the church early.)

But I am also that girl who screams aloud during the scary movies. Yesterday Julie, Nicole, and I went to Alamo Drafthouse to see 'The Grudge,' and I definitely screamed out loud at least twice. I'm sure the people behind us loved that. I say 'the people behind us' only because we ended up in the very front row, so everyone was behind us. And on that night I was also that girl who jumped every time the waiter came by to bring something, and that girl who clung to the girl next to her throughout the entire movie (good thing we knew each other...).

But to top all this off, it turns out that I am also that girl who is completely helpless when it comes to her car, which now not only sounds like a wind-up car when it runs, but also lost all AC this morning on the way home from church. I can do nothing about it. I can't even describe the problems with it. This may involve a trip to Dallas next weekend to have Poppy look at it. But it has been awhile since I took that trek up I-35, but that would definitely hurt my plans to go to the Renaissance Festival next weekend-- so we'll see.

And all of that was only from this weekend. In the past few weeks I have been that girl who wore her "George W. Bush is my homeboy" t-shirt to go vote and was turned away; I was that girl who ruined the broomball game by kicking the ball in the wrong direction (and no-- you aren't supposed to kick the ball in the first place); I was that girl who went to take a drink of my iced chai and got the straw stuck up my nose; and finally, I was that girl who showed up to the Halloween costume party without a costume.

I'm that girl-- that's all there is to it. At least I get some laughs out of it-- and hopefully you will too. ;-) I know the Big Guy upstairs does-- He has a great sense of humor. He made me, didn't He?!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

alpha xi's on ice

Thursday night was Alpha Xi Date Night. It was also "bring a date and make him bleed" night for many. Broomball was a curious choice for a date night, and the costume requirement seemed even more interesting. Nevertheless, the general concesus was that fun was had by all, even those who went home bleeding.

Here I am. I dressed as a guy-- my date to be exact. This concept seemed to confuse most people, as they asked who my date went as. My date... riiight. The long silver earrings give it just the right touch of masculinity...don't you think? ;-)

im so cuteim so cute

For those of you who don't understand broomball, I'm not exactly sure that I do either. I mean, I know what I was told about it, but what I actually experienced is a different story. There was a lot of ice, a lot of falling and sliding, way too much testosterone, and quite a bit of blood.

action shot

The costumes ranged from flappers to clowns, naughty school girls to ladybugs. We had a blast taking pictures and laughing at one another. It also helped that the event began at midnight because everything is funnier in the middle of the night! You can also see how Taylor opted to refrain from pick-up lines, and proceeded to literally pick me up. Further down you will see how Julie and I ambushed Jake, her other date, with a kiss-- 2nd event in a row we have done this-- might become a tradition.

group shot

interesting...check this out

erika the great

how's this for a pick-up line?hot chicks
i'm gunna getchakat
now it's a traditionmy little cowgirl

Look at the cute couples! :) Cows, candies, doctors, and crazies-- the fun never ends! Julie (the ladybug) and I were a couple too... a couple of nuts!!!

got milk?m&m's

they shop at saversscrubs

There may have been a slight case of hat theft... I called it "borrowing"

hey there, cowboyhat-swap

If you would like to see more, PartyPics took a ton of pictures. Here is the link:

Happy Halloween, everyone! And stay safe! :)

Sunday, October 24, 2004

randumb poll

Thursday night is our Date Party event for the sorority. Well, technically it takes place on Friday morning, since it runs from 12-2am...but that is unimportant. Here is the delimma: The event is broomball in costumes.

I know some of you are laughing right now, and others of you are very confused. Those of you laughing may skip to the next paragraph, and for the confused ones, I will elaborate: Broomball is a game played on an ice skating rink. Leave your skates at home, guys-- this sport is played in your tennis shoes! I've never done this before, but it was explained to me as similar to hockey- helmets and all, hitting a ball from one end to the other. The hitch in all of this is the costume part... on ice. I've been told that the point of this game is to spend much of the time on your rear end, on the ice. That's where the poll comes in.

I need all of you to comment on this post, recommending your pick for the best costume to be worn at an early morning date party while playing broomball. So far the verdict is this: since I have no date, I shall wear a tie and hat and go as my own date. The pants and comfortable clothing would hopefully allow for a better performance during the game... and who am I trying to impress anyway? :) However, I would really like to hear your suggestions. What to wear?!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

ode to ticer and how i miss thee

my ticer

To Ticer:

I know you have only been gone five days now, but it feels like an eternity! Come back, my sweet Ticer! :)

To everyone else:

Ticer left for Nashville on Saturday and will be traveling to West Texas tomorrow, and return to Austin on Sunday. I miss her terribly- as she means so much to me. Pray for her safety while traveling- for alertness, peace, and time with God.

PS- Notice in the picture how the Bible in her hand is so full of light that it shines! That is no coincident. ;-)

made me giggle

My mom and I were talking today, and I deserved a lecture, but she was kind enough to put it on hold. (Thanks, Mom.) Anyways, we were laughing like crazy about my screw-up (at least it was a funny one), and my mom asked me, "Does this sound like deja moo?"

"What is deja MOO?"

And she replied, "You know- the feeling that you've heard this bull before!"

And I laughed. Hope you do too. Yay for deja moo!

Monday, October 18, 2004

looking glass revisited


From post on Sept. 28th:

She stares out the window and wonders whether it was meant to look through or break through. When one door closes, a window opens- but is that so you can see what you missed or so you can jump out of it? She opts for breaking through and jumping out, spreads her wings, and takes flight.

New post on October 18th:

She stares out the window, swallowing the lump in her throat. She dreamt at one time of breaking through this very window and taking flight. But that dream was just that, for she could not stop looking back over her shoulder.

She has been staring out the window for quite some time. Part of her knew all along what she would have to do, but part of her kept looking over her shoulder. The conversation she had today left no doubt in her mind-- and there was no way she would break through that window after the floor had dropped out from under her. Just kidding.

The floor on which she stands is solid- her foundation is built on a Rock. The conversation only shut the door behind her, a door that had been closed before, but was now securely locked and bolted. She needed that last bolt- just to make sure.

Closed door behind her, firm ground beneath her, she stares out the window like before- only this time...she smiles.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

xi ("zee") one and only



After Initiation, it was Magnolia Cafe for brunch and giggles...



Friday, October 15, 2004

i luv my sisters

too cute

Tonight Alpha Xi celebrated Pre-Initiation for our newest sisters. My adorable little sis, Nicole, is one of those awesome ladies- so it was even more exciting!

roseschaz rocksjulz is hot

The car ride to the restaurant...
stoplight at lamar

bethany and nicole

car ridewind-blown

Then to dinner- and we all ate way too much!
mattstoo cute

my stupid heart

Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm,
and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.
For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter,
though a man's misery weighs heavily upon him.
Since no man knows the future,
who can tell him what is to come?
No man has power over the wind to contain it;
so no one has power over the day of his death.
Ecclesiastes 8:5-8
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond all cure.
Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

an apologetic update

I have receieved a few phone calls as of late to inquire as to whether or not I am okay. Apparently my posts are a bit ambiguous, and have left much room for interpretation, and interpreters are not hopeful. I am fine. Some might even say I am good. :)

Things are strange here at school. For one, those of us in our thrid year here are finding it difficult to focus on school at all. No one seems to care, everyone' s mind is elsewhere. It is tough to care, even though I do. At least, I think I do. For those of us who spent summers abroad, we dream of returning to those far off places of adventure and awkwardness. I miss the awkwardness of being travel- of being different and strange. I miss the comfort of it as well-- I miss my home at Oxford-- that small room high above the city street, window open to a gray drizzle.

Spiritually things are changing. My faith is taking a new form. God has me refocused on His Greatness and His Law- two things that had taken a backseat to His Goodness and Grace. I must learn to see Him as both good and great. I am also taking a character inventory- with some parts falling away, and new ones forming. I know who I want to be, and I can only get there through Him. I also struggle with Him to know what is to come- what He wants of me. I am also learning that the heart is deceitful, and that I have too often relied on such a fallible organ.

Wow- so this post is seemingly as ambiguous as the many before it. I promise that I am okay- so please stop worrying. I have amazing friends and sisters and an incredible family. I have seen much of all of them and this time has been awesome. I am taking more time to myself, not nearly enough, but more. I am pursuing a few creative outlets- as I strive to one day sell my own creations on the Drag, and maybe even in another country to support my ministries. ;-) I am in a strange place- but a good one. I promise.

Please continue to pray for Bart and for his team in Spain. Caleb and Lindsey had to come back to the US, but Bart, Stephanie, and Shanna are still there. Pray for wisdom, strength, and sprirtual maturity for the team. Pray for safe travels and health for their leaders. For the latest update, visit Bart's blog (which has links to blogs for the rest of the team) at

Monday, October 11, 2004

soul communion

what do you see?

If eyes are windows to the soul, then are they also windows from the soul? And if they are windows from the soul, and my eyes look into yours, can my soul see yours? Would you want it to?

* * *

Sunday, October 10, 2004

coffee and midterms

study break

There is nothing like studying with two of your closest friends in one of your favorite coffee shops. We catch up, laugh, drink coffee, and occasionally get some work done. We've had several test weeks back to back here at UT, and everyone has been a bit on edge. Good thing I've got a couple of friends like these to keep me cool.

study breakstudy breakstudy breakstudy breakstudy break